揭阳市威克电器厂是一家技术力量雄厚、设备先进,研发生产销售各种电吹风的专业厂家。现拥有注塑车间、模具车间、电机生产车间、装配车间等,占地2万平方米,现已在行业中占领先优势,并不断开发创新进取。 威克以“精于品质,专于生活”为发展理念,将威克衷心的服务带进每个家庭为我们的永恒目标。 本厂产品质量稳定、外观设计时尚高雅,产品深受国内外经销商和消费者青眯,已成为美容美发居家、旅游首选之佳品。感谢阁下用智慧的眼光选择本厂的产品,本厂坚持“精于品质,专于生活”的发展理念,与新老客户共创美好明天! 揭阳试验区威克电器厂是电吹风等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。揭阳试验区威克电器厂的诚信、实力和产品质量均获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。 Jieyang Wick Appliance Factory is a strong technical force, advanced equipment, research and development production and sales of professional hair dryer manufacturer . Now have injection workshop, molding workshop, electrical workshop, assembly workshop and so on, covering 20,000 square meters, now occupied by the first edge in the industry, and continue to develop innovative and enterprising. Wick to "experts in quality, specializing in life" for the development of the concept, the Wick heartfelt services into every home to our eternal goals. Our products have stable quality, fashionable and elegant design, product distributors and consumers by great favor home and abroad, has become a Beauty Hair home, travel the preferred share. Thank you for your vision with the wisdom of choice Our products, Our adherence to the "sense and quality, specializing in life" development philosophy, with new and old customers to create a better tomorrow! |